Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I enjoyed that, I won't watch it again.

I was once informed by a script writer that when people love a film, they will watch it again and again. I replied to the contrary, stating that if I love a film I will watch it as little as possible, to which he seemed puzzled and probably considered spraying me with acid for being the exception to the rule.

Anything I enjoy in general I will avoid as much as possible, quite simply to prevent overexposure. If there is a particular chocolate you love then eating it day in day out will surely ruin the occasion and you would become sick of the stuff. The same applied to me with films. To watch a film I love is a special event, something to set time aside for and to cherish. I have not watched The Hustler in about three years simply because I enjoy it so much, and by the time I get around to watching it again enough of the details should have faded from my mind to ensure that it will still be as exciting, thrilling and dark as the first time I laid eyes upon it.

Though logically if I came across a film that was so good it induced orgasm, I would probably never watch it again.

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