Sunday, July 10, 2011


It is that time of year again where thousands of former students have the privilege of donning large black robes and walking across a platform in front of people they don't know and will never see again: graduation.

This year, on Friday 15h July, it will be my turn to suffer. As many have said, I don't take compliments well, I'm never sure what to say in return or do with them, my ego is large enough to keep me feeling good about myself at the best of times but when someone compliments me, I come to a stand still and have no idea what to do. Criticism I can work with, use or argue against, something develops from it, but compliments, they just acknowledge that I am doing well and headed in the right direction which is always welcome but I have no idea where to go from there.

I have often been queried as Asperger's and it wouldn't surprise me if I was as the majority of the signs are there, so forgive me if I appear awkward and uncomfortable during the day. I will be enjoying it at some level but to me, it will be a large, unwieldy compliment.

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