Thursday, December 24, 2009

Ticking away

Only a few hours left until Christmas, then I will be in possession of a few more objects, other than that nothing much will change.

I intend to see the season in by watching Invader Zim in bed until I fall asleep, that's about as festive as I can be tonight.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I was meant to be going to Carmarthen today to pick up meats for Christmas and have see how the place has changed since moving away from it. That will now be taking place tomorrow as it will be slightly easier and such.

This is supposed to be a time of holiday and doing nothing but I still find myself drawn to work, chasing people up for their music and coming up with plans and ideas for articles. If anything it means I have something to get straight back into once January arrives.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Good morning

It's Sunday morning and the sun appears to be shining for once in the history of this great nation.

Christmas will have been and gone by this time next week and people will be wondering what to do with themselves; primarily the people who think that drinking stupid amounts of alcohol at night is the best thing to take place in their weekly schedule, people who tend to say things like "hd fab tme wiv gals" or "got mashed with the lads" yes you're clever people: go drink unhealthy amounts, talk as though these pubs and clubs provide some form of activity, maybe colouring or playdough, then brag about how you remember nothing or how idiotic you were. You are the idiots who will go no where in life but still insist you are amazing even though you work in an office trying to sell mice or insurance for toe nails to people. Do you really think you make the world better?

God this horse is high.

Friday, December 18, 2009


The back of my neck seems to be hurting today, primarily because I have been sat at this computer doing work or fiddling with software.

Managed to complete a decent portion of my work on Race and Ethnicity but the highlight of the day has to be seeing my latest articles up on the magazine website:

I do rather enjoy my work, and I am damn good at it :-)
Christmas shall be upon us soon. Tomorrow shall be spent putting decorations up making room for the new things we shall acquire.


All night across Facebook and Twitter people have been going on about the snow, from Cardiff, to Bridgend, to people who live in places I can't spell on the other side of Bridgend.

Yet I wake up this morning to find the world any colour other than that of snow! Did it simply pass us by or were people lying simply exaggerating the fact that it drizzled last night for a few hours.


Thursday, December 17, 2009

The innards

I have spent the majority of today inside computers, repairing and replacing parts either to make them work again or just for a fiddle.

I know I have finished writing articles for this year but I've already got the itch to find some more people and ruin or make their careers with my literary skills, so to distract myself I downloaded all the Sherlock Holmes radio series I used to listen to all those decades ago.

Tomorrow will be simple, put my genius into finishing off my last assignment, not much left to write just trying to find quotes and material that backs up my arguments but no one wants to say what we all know when it comes to race and racism.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I really should use this thing more often.

Today I have primarily sat in a dark room watching, writing, listening, planing and being surprised by how many people I seem to know who can't sleep at night, though when I sleep I am very aware that I am still thinking. Things always running through my brain, plans, scenarios, ideas, ego, the past, the future, the drink I'm too lazy to get out of bed for and think it's only another 7 hours until I have to get up I can wait that long.

Finished all my articles for this year, many a band reviewed, many people made angry by my honesty regarding their tracks but they will never learn otherwise.

Right, I must away to do some house work and make room for a Christmas tree.