Sunday, December 20, 2009

Good morning

It's Sunday morning and the sun appears to be shining for once in the history of this great nation.

Christmas will have been and gone by this time next week and people will be wondering what to do with themselves; primarily the people who think that drinking stupid amounts of alcohol at night is the best thing to take place in their weekly schedule, people who tend to say things like "hd fab tme wiv gals" or "got mashed with the lads" yes you're clever people: go drink unhealthy amounts, talk as though these pubs and clubs provide some form of activity, maybe colouring or playdough, then brag about how you remember nothing or how idiotic you were. You are the idiots who will go no where in life but still insist you are amazing even though you work in an office trying to sell mice or insurance for toe nails to people. Do you really think you make the world better?

God this horse is high.

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